Carter's Water Garden

Come to our Open House August 1st. and ‘Get your feet WET with Water Gardening’!
July 12, 2015, 5:53 pm
Filed under: water garden | Tags: , , ,

August 1st. 2015 Jackson, Tn.

9am.- 2pm. We are proud to be hosting our annual Summer OPEN HOUSE for 2015! We will have experts on hand to guide you on personal Pond & Garden tours around the grounds of the Nursery AND we will have a morning class from 9am. till 11am. on how to – ‘Get Your Feet Wet with Water Gardening!’ This class will give you a great overview of what the water garden lifestyle is all about.

We do a great class at the Open House. Everyone loves to learn more about their Water Feature. Even the kids have fun.

We do a great class at the Open House. Everyone loves to learn more about their Water Feature. Even the kids have fun.

Jo is going to be having some GREAT sales going on all day around the nursery on all our Water Gardening supplies, Aquatic Plants & KOI!

Great SALE at our Summer Open House! Pond Supplies, Aquatic Plants, fish, pottery and more!

Great SALE at our Summer Open House! Pond Supplies, Aquatic Plants, fish, pottery and more!

AND we will be providing lunch to all that come! This is our annual Summer OPEN HOUSE at Carter’s Nursery! SO, please join Mark Carter “Pond Guy” and the Carter’s crew for a great day of Fun and Learning.

We will have some good food for all that come out.

We will have some good food for all that come out.